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  • Real Milk Paint Citrus Solvent
  • Real Milk Paint Citrus Solvent
  • Real Milk Paint Citrus Solvent
  • Real Milk Paint Citrus Solvent
  • Real Milk Paint Citrus Solvent

Real Milk Paint Citrus Solvent

  • Detail
    Orange Oil as a Natural Citrus Solvent is used as a direct replacement for mineral spirits and odorless mineral spirits. Citrus Solvent can be used wherever a paint thinner or mineral spirits are required as a natural, safer alternative. Citrus Solvent is not the same as any of the other “citrus-branded” cleaning products on the market, including Citrus Solve or Citri-Solve. It is, however, an excellent degreaser, paint thinner alternative, and can be used to replace petroleum chemicals such as mineral spirits.Orange Oil Citrus Solvent is 98% pure citrus peel oil extracted from the peel of the orange fruit; the other 2% is water. This small amount of water is emulsified in the solvent and will not raise wood grain but is released into the air as the solvent evaporates.
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