Home / Home/BuildingMaterials / Prime-Line 0.87-in Door-Mount Sliding Closet Door Roller
  • Prime-Line 0.87-in Door-Mount Sliding Closet Door Roller
  • Prime-Line 0.87-in Door-Mount Sliding Closet Door Roller
  • Prime-Line 0.87-in Door-Mount Sliding Closet Door Roller
  • Prime-Line 0.87-in Door-Mount Sliding Closet Door Roller
  • Prime-Line 0.87-in Door-Mount Sliding Closet Door Roller

Prime-Line 0.87-in Door-Mount Sliding Closet Door Roller

  • Detail
    This by-pass closet door repair kit includes four (4) roller assemblies constructed of stamped steel brackets and plastic wheels. One pair of roller assemblies is for installation on the front sliding panels and have only a 1/8 in. offset. The other pair is for the sliding closet door panel that hangs on the rear track. The roller assemblies of this second pair have 3/8 inch offsets. Each roller assembly features a height -adjustment dial with 7/8 inch diameter wheels. The wheels have convex (round) edges and all are top hung, side-mount design. These roller assemblies are used on Stanley doors and on many others.
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