Home / Tools Accessories / Lenox 1972921 Cutoff Wheel
  • Lenox 1972921 Cutoff Wheel
  • Lenox 1972921 Cutoff Wheel
  • Lenox 1972921 Cutoff Wheel
  • Lenox 1972921 Cutoff Wheel
  • Lenox 1972921 Cutoff Wheel

Lenox 1972921 Cutoff Wheel

  • Detail
    Breakthrough diamond technology delivers 1,000 or more cuts. Durable diamond abrasives grains and unique steel design, the MetalMax extends wheel life and requires fewer wheel changes. Total costs per cut decreases with improved labor efficiencies and more time spent on the job. MetalMax wheels are engineered to economically cut across a wide range of materials. Available in diameters as small as 1-1/2″ and as large as 14″. MetalMax wheels hold their original diameter until the very last cut, providing greater control, reach and precision cuts throughout the life of the wheel. MetalMax wheels do not wear like conventional bonded abrasives, cutting freely without excessive dust or swarf. Average performance for 4.5” wheel in 1” carbon steel square tube vs thin bonded abrasive cutoff wheels. ? When cutting aluminum, it is necessary to use Lenox cutting wax, pn# 68020 or other type of saw lubricant to avoid chip welding.
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