Home / Garage Door Stuff Garage Door Top Seal
  • Garage Door Stuff Garage Door Top Seal
  • Garage Door Stuff Garage Door Top Seal
  • Garage Door Stuff Garage Door Top Seal
  • Garage Door Stuff Garage Door Top Seal
  • Garage Door Stuff Garage Door Top Seal

Garage Door Stuff Garage Door Top Seal

  • Detail
    See the line drawing for this product. The 3/4′′ wide leading edge is a hard PVC material bonded to the 1-3/4′′ flexible vinyl material There is great potential for heat / cooling loss at the top of any garage door. This product is a very good option in combating this. Installed on the top of the door: The hard PVC portion of the seal is attached to the top of the door, as the door closes, the 1-3/4′′ vinyl seal bends back making contact with the header of the structure. This results in a very good seal and is typically used in conjunction with side seals mounted on the outside. There is great potential for heat / cooling loss at the top of any garage door. This product is a very good option in combating this. The 3/4′′ wide leading edge is a hard PVC material bonded to the 1-3/4′′ flexible vinyl material Installed on the top of the door: The hard PVC portion of the seal is attached to the top of the door, as the door closes, the 1-3/4′′ vinyl seal bends back making contact with the header of the structure. This results in a very good seal and is typically used in conjunction with side seals mounted on the outside. Installed on the header on the outside of the door is another install option with this product. In this instance the hard PVC portion of the weather seal is attached to the underside of the top of the opening. When the door closes, the 1-3/4′′ vinyl flap folds and contacts the door for a good seal. Another option is to install this product on the top of the door and also on the outside of the door on the opening for a double seal. This gives as about a good of seal as you can achieve on a garage door. This weather seal is also a very good product to consider if you are making a custom weather seal. The hard PVC portion of this seal gives you many options when doing custom work. This is a good product to have on hand if you regularly do weather seal work. Works as a garage door perimeter seal and with the garage door weather stripping trim.
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