Home / Garbage Commander Combo Hitch, Haul Pin Hitch, Handled Lawn and Garden Equipment, or Wheeled Garbage Cans
  • Garbage Commander Combo Hitch, Haul Pin Hitch, Handled Lawn and Garden Equipment, or Wheeled Garbage Cans
  • Garbage Commander Combo Hitch, Haul Pin Hitch, Handled Lawn and Garden Equipment, or Wheeled Garbage Cans
  • Garbage Commander Combo Hitch, Haul Pin Hitch, Handled Lawn and Garden Equipment, or Wheeled Garbage Cans
  • Garbage Commander Combo Hitch, Haul Pin Hitch, Handled Lawn and Garden Equipment, or Wheeled Garbage Cans

Garbage Commander Combo Hitch, Haul Pin Hitch, Handled Lawn and Garden Equipment, or Wheeled Garbage Cans

  • Detail
    Great time saver Simple to install – Slip over a standard 1-7/8″ or a 2″ trailer ball hitch, now you are ready to haul either pin hitched or handle lawn and garden equipment while keeping your trailer ball in-place. Great for Lawn tractors, ATV’s and Utility vehicles. Combo Hitch’s handle works even for hauling wheeled garbage cans using your vehicle. Comes with a PTO clamp to secure handle to the Combo Hitch even when towing down steep inclines.
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