Home / Gate Valve Smith-Cooper International

Gate Valve Smith-Cooper International

  • Detail
    Made from brass for higher corrosion resistance than steel. Non-rising stem stays fixed in place when gate is raised or lowered for low clearance use. Female National Pipe Taper (Npt) threads for connecting to male threaded pipes. 200 pounds per square inch (gauge) (psig) for water, oil, and gas (Wog) and 125 psig for steam working pressure (Swp). Top-mounted hand wheel for lowering and lifting the gate. . . . The Smith-Cooper International 8501 series brass gate valve has a non-rising stem, and female National Pipe Taper (Npt) threads on both ends. It has a solid wedge gate and screwed bonnet, and its brass construction provides corrosion resistance, ductility at high temperatures, and low magnetic permeability. Brass can be connected to copper, brass, plastic, aluminum, and welded steel. The non-rising stem stays fixed in place when the gate is raised or lowered, making it suitable for low clearance or underground use. The stem includes Ptfe internal packing to help prevent leaking. This gate valve is full port for reduced friction; its inner diameter is the same as the inner diameter of the pipe it connects to enable maximum operating efficiency. This valve has maximum pressure ratings of 200 pounds per square inch (gauge) (psig) for water, oil, and gas (Wog) and 125 psig for steam working pressure (Swp). This valve has female NPT threads on both ends for connecting to male pipes with tighter seals than straight threads. Mounted on top of the valve, a manually operated hand wheel activates the inside screw mechanism, which lifts and lowers the gate to start and stop the flow between the connected pipes. This valve meets National Sanitation Foundation (NSF)American National Standards Institute (Ansi) 61-8 standards for quality assurance.. . Gate valves control flow in a piping system by lifting a gate out of the path of steam, fluids, or gases. They are designed to block or permit flow, as the vibrations and force of flow repeatedly striking a partly lowered gate
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