Home / Sunbelt Marketing BV1B/UA11/4 Hepvo Waterless Waste Valve

Sunbelt Marketing BV1B/UA11/4 Hepvo Waterless Waste Valve

  • Detail
    Hepv O is a self sealing valve designed to close the waste connection below a sanitary fixture to prevent the escape of foul sewer air into the dwelling. Hepv O is the innovative hygienic Self Sealing Waste Valve. It replaces the traditional water-seal trap and prevents the escape of foul sewer air from waste discharge systems. Unlike conventional waste traps, Hepv O does not rely on trapped water to create a seal. Water seals are prone to failure by Evaporation, Siphonage and other Mechanisms. Instead, Hep Vo uses a self sealing membrane which performs the same function as a water seal trap but without the risk of depletion or freezing. Hepv O actively eliminates negative pressure within the waste system by opening and allowing in fresh air until a state of equilibrium with atmosphere is reached. This means that secondary venting of the waste system via the inclusion of air admittance valves in the waste system is no longer necessary.
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